Our Team
Yale iGEM is composed of a core group of very passionate students interested in exploring the potential of synthetic biology in helping the world. In addition, we value the small size of our team as it provides us all with many opportunities to contribute in different ways to our final project. Therefore, there is much overlap in individuals that are responsible for the different categories listed below. Do not hesitate to fill out our contact form with questions about how you can get involved with Yale iGEM.
Below are several of the possible roles that Yale iGEM members can fulfill:
Wet-Lab Research
Many iGEM members will choose to spend their summers in New Haven working together on the project chosen by the team. The research team can be divided into two categories with some researchers choosing to work “full-time” and some choosing “part-time”. Full-time researchers will work under the mentorship of Dr. Farren Isaacs and his lab during the summer in our dedicated iGEM lab space on West Campus. Part-time researchers are team members that provide wet-lab skills but that do not directly work in the iGEM lab during the summer.
If you are interested in wet-lab research, please select this option on your iGEM application. Prior experience is not necessary!
Modeling and Software Design
Computational modeling helps us predict cell behavior and save time and money by reducing unnecessary trial-and-error. iGEM also has a new Software division focusing on the creation of open-source, community-driven software applications. Students develop novel apps and submit them to the Registry of Software Tools. As part of the iGEM competition, students are required to develop a model pertaining to their projects. Past Yale iGEM models have gone on to be published in peer-reviewed journals.
Graphic and Wiki Design
The Graphics and Wiki group develops molecular animations to depict our project, create a team logos, produces team T-shirts, and designs the team wiki, presentation, and poster. As part of this group, you will work closely with the iGEM research team to present their work in the best way possible. iGEM wiki coding involves the design of a wiki template in html code and the loading of content into that year’s wiki. For examples, please visit Yale iGEM’s past wiki pages. iGEM is completely open source, so you can also see the extent of html code written by past Yale iGEM teams.
The Web group is also responsible for building our web resources and establishing a social media presence.
The Outreach group is responsible for community outreach, political advocacy, and discussion of ethical and intellectual property issues. This section of our team will develop a business plan, economic models, and/or examine the regulatory and market issues surrounding our project. This group manages the necessary Outreach and Policy/Practices sections of the iGEM competition and is intended at spreading the word on the potential for synthetic biology to solve world issues.